Just When You Thought it Was too Cold For a Bikini, Brittney Palmer Saves the Day!

Gotta hand it to Brittney Palmer who recognizes she owes us big for leaving her UFC ring girling duties (does that work? “girling”?) to pursue an art career, graciously bared herself in a basic black.

Gotta hand it to Brittney Palmer who recognizes she owes us big for leaving her UFC ring girling duties (does that work? “girling”?) to pursue an art career, graciously bared herself in a basic black bikini yesterday for a photo shoot. There’s no sun out and those waters look cold, but she knows she has a lot to make up to us. This is a good start.

*Note: Click on the picture for a better view.

Amber Nichole Should Be Her Own Photographer! (PHOTO)

Yesterday we brought you our MMA Monday Headlines with UFC girls taking sexy pictures of themselves, but we regrettably overlooked Xyience Spokesmodel and former UFC Ring Girl, Amber Nichole who brought us this amazing picture..

Yesterday we brought you our MMA Monday Headlines with UFC girls taking sexy pictures of themselves, but we regrettably overlooked Xyience Spokesmodel and former UFC Ring Girl, Amber Nichole who brought us this amazing picture. Never underestimate that a woman knows all her best angles and features better than any dude behind the lens.

Um… That Porno Flick, “Fighters” Might Be an Oscar Contender (SFW TRAILER VIDEO)

What was announced to be the first MMA porno feature flick, Fighters was released by Digital Playground last week and um… Well, first of all, I think it’s a boxing story, but that’s irrelevant to.

What was announced to be the first MMA porno feature flick, Fighters was released by Digital Playground last week and um… Well, first of all, I think it’s a boxing story, but that’s irrelevant to my most prominent critique which is… When the hell did porn get so serious??? I actually teared up from this damn preview. The acting is really good! Just the trailer alone looks better than Warrior. I’m not even sure there is any sex in this movie, and I actually don’t care! I know since I’m female I’m obligated to say I only watch porn for the story, but this time I REALLY MEAN IT.

Jesse Jane looks to give a riveting performance and it’s the first time I’m not wondering if she’s faking it. I have to quit watching all that low quality crap online and I think we should petition to get this thing in a real movie theater…IMAX preferably (just in case there is all the sex). Regardless, Fighters is out on DVD and you can buy it here as I will be doing after I publish this post. Don’t judge.

Watch the trailer below. *Warning: You may need those tissues by your desktop…for your eyes.

Twit Pic of the Week: Mercedes Terrell Shows Us, Just Because You Need a Jacket, Doesn’t Mean You Need a Shirt!

Now that Autumn season is upon us, sadly, we shouldn’t expect to see many bikini Twit pics from our favorite ring girls. However, the very clever and resourceful Mercedes Terrell has kindly provided us with.

Now that Autumn season is upon us, sadly, we shouldn’t expect to see many bikini Twit pics from our favorite ring girls. However, the very clever and resourceful Mercedes Terrell has kindly provided us with the next best bikini alternative for “Jacket Weather.”

Follow Mercedes: here.

Don’t forget to vote for your favorite Ring Girl of the Year 2011: here.

Houston Gets to Meet Arianny Celeste Tomorrow!

She’s the kind of lady that doesn’t need to cross her legs [see pic above]. And you can meet her tomorrow (Friday, October 7th) at the UFC booth in Houston’s UFC Fan Expo from 2:00pm.

She’s the kind of lady that doesn’t need to cross her legs [see pic above]. And you can meet her tomorrow (Friday, October 7th) at the UFC booth in Houston’s UFC Fan Expo from 2:00pm – 3:00pm (CST). Arianny Celeste will be greeting fans and signing autographs, and in case you forgot why she’s worth ditching your work day thereby risking the loss of your job in this bleak economy just to meet or possibly only get a glimpse of her, here are a few more recent pics of the UFC Ring Girl to remind you:

Brittney Palmer Looks Hot in Your T-Shirt

Brittney Palmer is gracing the cover of this month’s Fitness Gurls magazine and no I’ve never heard of it plus I wonder why they misspell “girls” but who cares, ’cause Brittney looks good. The headline.

Brittney Palmer is gracing the cover of this month’s Fitness Gurls magazine and no I’ve never heard of it plus I wonder why they misspell “girls” but who cares, ’cause Brittney looks good. The headline calls Brittney “the most beautiful woman in MMA.” We wonder if they ever plan to put Arianny Celeste on their magazine cover and what on earth they would call her.