The fight of the night is going to come at the hands of a slug fest in the heavyweight bout between Matt Mitrione vs. Cheick Kongo.
Unbeaten Mitrione is going to have his hands full when he steps into the ring with Kongo. Kongo knows how to hold off the early onslaught, as he did against Pat Barry. Mitrione is devastating in the octagon, but Kongo has the wherewithal to survive the initial exchange.
This fight has all the making of one that goes the distance and both fighters have crazy knockout power. After the imminent brutal exchange between the two fighters, this fight is sure to end in spectacular knockout fashion.
Best of all, there really is no telling who is going to walk away with the victory. With a couple of surprisingly athletic fighters and obviously heavy-handed fighters involved, this fight could go either way.
The uncertainty, brilliant trading of punches and epic finish will make this fight the UFC 137 Fight of the Night. Recent heavyweight battles have lacked the pizazz this one is going to bring.
There is nothing quite like a great heavyweight showing and the UFC has been sorely lacking the sort of heavyweight matchup that provides the show that this one puts on.
Just because this isn’t the fight drawing the most attention doesn’t mean that it’s not going to be the one that leaves the crowd on their feet. If you can only watch one fight tonight, you don’t want to miss Mitrione vs. Kongo.
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