Brittney Palmer Got a Black Eye

Brittney Palmer is not currently a ring girl so in her free time, she’s taken up surfing. As you will recall, we reported last week that her surfboard slammed her in the face. Now, sadly.

Brittney Palmer is not currently a ring girl so in her free time, she’s taken up surfing. As you will recall, we reported last week that her surfboard slammed her in the face. Now, sadly this [above] picture reveals she suffered a black eye from this unfortunate incident.

You may remember, former UFC Ring Girl Natasha Wicks suffered some brutal injuries to the beautiful lower parts of her body while skateboarding back in February. What does this mean? Well, for one it sounds like holding up a sign and walking around the Octagon in a bikini and tennis shoes is a pretty safe activity. Secondly it means, we should all start an open plea to Dana White to bring back Brittney and Natasha! Let’s do it, folks! Let’s write letters and tweet and start a petition, if only for the very safety of these two lovely ladies who when they worked in the UFC, never met with any harm. We need to protect our favorite ring girls. Let’s take a stand.

Brittney Palmer Gets Her First Surfing Wound, Would Pose Naked In Paint for Playboy (VIDEO)

Beautiful Brittney Palmer tweeted this pic today of a huge bruise on her forehead from being slammed in the face by her surfboard. Since Brittney took some time off from her UFC Ring Girl duties,.

Beautiful Brittney Palmer tweeted this pic today of a huge bruise on her forehead from being slammed in the face by her surfboard. Since Brittney took some time off from her UFC Ring Girl duties, she moved to Los Angeles to attend art school and has also taken up surfing. Brittney was recently caught roaming the beach by Full Contact Fighter who did an impromptu interview to talk about what else… posing in Playboy with the glam-downed beauty who shows us the librarian look is definitely hot.

The Best News You’ve Heard All Day: Brittney Palmer Will Be Back Ringside!

Okay, so we don’t really know when you’ll see Brittney Palmer back as a UFC Ring Girl, but you will! At least, that’s what she said in a recent interview with Lions Den University: There.

Okay, so we don’t really know when you’ll see Brittney Palmer back as a UFC Ring Girl, but you will! At least, that’s what she said in a recent interview with Lions Den University:

There was a lot of commotion after you weren’t at UFC 133, with websites saying you got fired by ZUFFA/UFC before Dana set things straight via Twitter. Did you want to comment on that at all, or was what Dana said enough?

Those rumors got out of hand! I’m still with the UFC, I’m just taking some time to attend classes in art school. You’ll see me ringside again soon!

Great!! What do you like most about working with Arianny Celeste, Rachelle Leah and Chandella Powell?

I feel like we’re in our own sorority and we’re very close. It’s fun to know that there’s only a small group of us Octagon Girls and millions of UFC fans out there!

So there you have it. You can quit gently weeping when you only see these two lovelies:

And rest assured you’ll get your threesome back.

In the meantime, you can watch Brittney ringside in this video shot by some creepy voyeur who really knows how to work that zoom button.

Natasha Wicks is Bare Back

…riding. Yes, bare back riding. I suck for teasing you, but great headline, eh? It’s a slow news day so here are some pictures of the super gorgeous former UFC Octagon Girl, Natasha Wicks with.

…riding. Yes, bare back riding. I suck for teasing you, but great headline, eh? It’s a slow news day so here are some pictures of the super gorgeous former UFC Octagon Girl, Natasha Wicks with her horse friend.

Brittney Palmer Calendar Sneak Peaks (PHOTOS)

Well just because she no longer earns her living by holding up a sign, [no worries, you still have those old guys holding the “Will Work For Beer” signs downtown] doesn’t mean you shouldn’t support.

Well just because she no longer earns her living by holding up a sign, [no worries, you still have those old guys holding the “Will Work For Beer” signs downtown] doesn’t mean you shouldn’t support her other worthy endeavors, like the Brittney Palmer 2012 calendar set to be sold on her website soon. Brittney has been actively teasing us with sneak peaks of her calendar photos, as Twitter proves to be the best marketing tool of the millennium!