Andre Muniz Submits Bartosz Fabinski Via Armbar In Round One

MunizNext up we have a Middleweight bout between Andre Muniz and Bartosz Fabinski. Round 1: The two open exchanging on the feet before Fabinski shoots in for the takedown. Defended well by Muniz as Fabinski looks to land some knees while clinched. Muniz deals some damage with elbows defending extremely well. The two remain clinched […]


Next up we have a Middleweight bout between Andre Muniz and Bartosz Fabinski.

Round 1: The two open exchanging on the feet before Fabinski shoots in for the takedown. Defended well by Muniz as Fabinski looks to land some knees while clinched. Muniz deals some damage with elbows defending extremely well. The two remain clinched on the cage as the Ref asks them to advance. Muniz reverses the position and clamps on a guillotine. Fabinski survives and manages to end up inside Muniz’s guard. The BJJ specialist quickly sets up an armbar and secures a submission victory.

Official Result: Andre Muniz def. Bartosz Fabinski via SUB (Armbar) 2:42, R1

Andre Muniz Outpoints Antonio Arroyo – UFC Sao Paulo Results

Next up on the UFC Sao Paulo main card is a middleweight fight between Antonio Arroyo and Andre Muniz. Round 1: Arroyo opens up with a body kick and starts very aggressive. The fight quickly goes to the ground and Muniz attempts an armbar. Arroyo fights it and eventually gets out. Muniz then takes him down […]

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Next up on the UFC Sao Paulo main card is a middleweight fight between Antonio Arroyo and Andre Muniz.

Round 1: Arroyo opens up with a body kick and starts very aggressive. The fight quickly goes to the ground and Muniz attempts an armbar. Arroyo fights it and eventually gets out. Muniz then takes him down and lands strikes. Muniz attempts a knee as Arroyo gets up and the fight is momentarily stopped. It seemed like Arroyo was a grounded opponent but replays show that he wasn’t. No points deducted, though. Arroyo lands a leg kick and then stuffs a takedown attempt. Muniz lands a head kick. Arroyo stuffs another takedown attempt. Muniz seems to be slower as the round comes to an end. Muniz lands a right. The round ends with Muniz seemingly wobbled after a kick from Arroyo.

Round 2: They come out striking in the second round. Muniz lands a body kick followed by a combo. He takes Arroyo down and has his back. Muniz cranks Arroyo’s neck as the latter keeps fighting. He eventually escapes but Muniz still has his back with a body triangle. Muniz lands strikes on Arroyo’s head. Muniz transitions to full mount but Arroyo scrambles and escapes. Arroyo doesn’t want Muniz stood up as he stands over him before entering his guard. Not much activity as the fight is eventually stood up before the round ends.

Round 3: The two embrace each other before starting the third stanza. Arroyo lands a body kick. Muniz responds with his own before landing a takedown. Muniz controls him for a good minute while landing strikes. Arroyo gets up but Muniz has his back. Arroyo gets out but again but refuses to let the referee stand Muniz up. Arroyo attempts to land strikes while standing but none are hurting Muniz. The referee eventually stands Muniz up with 20 seconds remaining. This fight goes the distance.

Official result: Andre Muniz defeats Antonio Arroyo via unanimous decision (30-27).

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